what is a na meeting

Most of our literature is also available to read on this website. Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. If you’re religious or spiritual, you can do this soul-searching through your prayers to God or a higher power. If not, you can do it through your community or the NA group you’re part of.

News & Media Resources

Another app you might find helpful is the NA Recovery Companion. If you have questions, consider asking a member about it personally, and they can explain further. Some people choose God (in whatever form or belief) as theirs, and others do not. NA says that “ours is a spiritual, not a religious program.” It is not affiliated with any religion, government, or other organization, even if the meeting is held in a church or other religious space.

How Effective is Narcotics Anonymous (NA) for Drug Addiction?

Doing so can help reduce the compulsion to drink and help you feel more capable of dealing with life’s challenges. If you are open about your drug replacement therapy, however, you may be asked not to speak at an NA meeting and simply listen. You’re free to chat with others during breaks or afterward.

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Finder

The newcomer is the most important person at any meeting, because we can only keep what we have by giving it away. We have learned from our group experience break the cycle of addiction with these strategies to keep dopamine in check that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean. NA is a support group that focuses on helping people recovering from drug addictions.

  1. This sounds like a big order, and we can’t do it all at once.
  2. In the early 1970s, NA became an international organization when it opened in Australia and expanded into other countries soon after.
  3. Depending on where you live, there should be many options to choose from.
  4. This is part of the NA traditions and all 12-step programs.
  5. Click here for a list of virtual meetings, shown in the time zone from which you’re searching.

SMART Recovery and the 4-Point Program

If you are not an addict, look for an open meeting, which welcomes non-addicts. If you’re an addict or think you might have a drug problem, we suggest a meeting every day for at least 90 days to get to know NA members and our program….” Some criticize 12-step programs for failing to recognize emerging science-based approaches and offering a one-size-fits-all approach to a complex problem.

How to start an NA Meeting

what is a na meeting

The goal is to gain a sense of release of shame and guilt that can help people avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms going forward. For many members of NA, the program is the only thing they’ve found that actually worked. Anyone who has dealt with addiction knows that it is a struggle that can seem hopeless at times. It is common for a new member to develop a relationship with a sponsor. It found nine may have been involved and will terminate those individuals. Select OK to leave You will be redirected to the local NA website.

Soon you may start to feel a sense of belonging and even make some friends. In general, the more invested you are in the NA program, the more helpful it will be for you. In a discussion meeting, members are given opportunities to speak and share their experiences. There may also be readings or group discussions about particular topics. Speaker meetings give members a chance to talk for longer. Anyone can drop in an open meeting, including friends and relatives, community members, and college students studying substance abuse.

Discussion meetings allow members to share their personal stories. Meanwhile, speaker meetings involve one or more members speaking for most of the meeting. Many NA members believe regular meeting attendance is a helpful tool for staying drug-free. 6 steps to quit drinking on your own The community support and 12 steps found at NA meetings seem to be the missing link for many people with substance use disorders who wish to stay sober. Of course, there is never a guarantee that you won’t experience a relapse.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a global organization dedicated to helping people addicted to substances pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle via a 12-step program. Like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), members use a 12-step program to guide them through recovery. Meetings tend to last 60 to 90 minutes and offer open and closed meetings. NA meetings are one of the major parts of the Narcotics Anonymous recovery program. Members meet regularly at these meetings where they are able to talk about their problems and share their stories with others facing similar experiences. The meetings also allow people in recovery to give and receive support and encouragement from their peers.

Everyone is nervous about attending their first 12-step meeting. However, you can rest assured that everyone in the room has been in the same place you are now, and the majority are very welcoming to newcomers. Meetings vary a bit because the local members direct them, but you can expect a few common things. This step https://sober-house.org/alcohol-withdrawal-timeline-how-long-does-each/ of recovery involves actively monitoring behavior and being willing to admit and rectify mistakes as they happen. Imperfection and setbacks are expected, but staying accountable and honest can keep people from falling back into old habits. This step focuses on taking stock of both individual burdens and strengths.

what is a na meeting

Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. There may be times during the recovery process when you make mistakes or relapse. This step requires you to stay vigilant on a daily basis, and admit to any faults you make as you go forward, so you can maintain your spiritual progress.

“We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over the care of God as we understood Him.” Treatment centers and rehab, therapy and counseling, and going at it alone doesn’t work for everyone.